2 research outputs found

    Optimization of Gear Transmission Parameters and Dynamic Performance Based on Efficiency Improvement

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    The machinery industry is changing with each passing day, and the speed of machinery is getting higher and higher. The dynamic behavior and working performance of the gear system have an important influence on the entire system. Therefore, the research on the dynamic characteristics of the gear transmission system is of great significance to improving the stability and safety of the system. This article focuses on the establishment of dynamic model, the analysis and determination of incentive factors, and the solution of dynamic equations to optimize the gear transmission parameters and the efficiency improvement. After the optimization, the optimized values of the design variables were adjusted and the unit characteristics were redefined. Then the same analysis method was used to analyze the dynamic response and state-owned characteristics of the gear transmission system under the same working conditions. Therefore, the requirements for the dynamic performance of gears in mechanical transmission are more prominent

    Application of Nondestructive Testing in Inspection of Boiler and Pressure Vessel and Pressure Piping

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    Non-destructive testing technology has been widely used in all occupations. The testing of equipment is called non-destructive testing technology. During the testing process, there is no need to pre-process the equipment to test, nor add other testing substances, which is especially suitable for the testing of boiler equipment in industrial production. Boiler and pressure vessel equipment is an important part of industrial production. The boiler pressure vessel has been in an operating environment with relatively high temperature for a long time, and it is common for the boiler pressure vessel to rupture. At this time, non-destructive testing technology came into being. It can detect damage to the boiler structure without damaging it, which plays a vital role for boilers, especially pressure pipes. This article analyzes the advantages, disadvantages and principles of pressure pipeline non-destructive testing technology, and discusses its application in boiler flaw detection to provide guidance for future work